Raid Double Control Small Roach Baits Plus Egg Stoppers - 15 Baits

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Raid Double Control Small Roach Baits Plus Egg Stoppers - 15 Baits   Roaches are tough to control because they reproduce so quickly one roach can lay 40 eggs at...


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Raid Double Control Small Roach Baits Plus Egg Stoppers - 15 Baits


Roaches are tough to control because they reproduce so quickly one roach can lay 40 eggs at a time! Raid Double Control Small Roach Baits Plus Egg Stoppers stop roaches from reproducing to break the roach life cycle. One to two weeks after application, you will begin to see roaches with crinkled wings, showing the initial effects of the Egg Stoppers. Roaches do not have to come into direct contact with the Egg Stoppers to become affected the unique egg stop system penetrates to areas where roaches hide, controlling cockroach populations over time.

Roach Bait: Active Ingredients: Abamectin B1 [A Mixture of Avermectins Containing 80% Avermectin B1a (5.0 Demethyl Acermectin A1A) and 20% Acermectin B1B (5.0 Demethyl-25-De (1-Methylpropyl-25-)1-Methylethyl) Avermectin A1A)] (0.05%). Inert Ingredients (99.95%). Egg Stoppers: Active Ingredient: (S) - Hydrprene [Ethyl (2E, 4E, 7S) - 3,6,11 - trimethyl-2,4-Dodecadientoate] 95%. Inert Ingredients: 5%.


Raid Max Roach Bait V - Direction for household use: It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. For thorough roach control, use all 12 baits at one time. To keep roaches from returning, replace all baits ever three months. 1. Break Raid Max Roach baits apart from the plastic frame. 2. For thorough roach control, all 12 baits must be used at one time. Place 10 baits in the kitchen and 2 in each bathroom. For larger kitchens or particularly heavy infestations, we strongly recommend using additional baits and placing at least 12 - 15 baits in the kitchen and 2-4 in each bathroom. If you see roaches in other areas, such as the bedroom or utility room, use 2-4 additional baits. 3. For best results, place the baits next to the wall along the baseboards, in corners, under sinks, in cabinets and near plumbing fixtures. You can even place Raid Max baits in cabinets. Do not contaminate feed or food products or food preparation surfaces, dishes, kitchen utensils and food containers. 4. Roaches will begin eating the bait immediately and you should expect to see fewer roaches within days. 5. Replace all baits every three months to keep roaches from returning. Use the 3 month reminder on the baits to indicate the date of replacement.


Storage: Store in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children. Disposal: Wrap container in newspaper and put in trash collection. For best results use all 12 baits at one time as shown. Directions for use of Raid Max Plus Egg Stoppers: It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 1. Do not activate Egg Stopper until ready to use. To activate, press down firmly on the pouch on the side of the disc until a snapping sound is heard, indicating that the small capsule inside has been opened. Note: Do not activate unit immediately before placement in room to be treated. 2. Place one Egg Stopper every 75 sq. ft. (e.g. 2 Egg Stoppers per average size kitchen). Placement under the sink and under the refrigerator is recommended or in other areas of high roach activity. Place 1 unit in the bathroom if roaches are frequently seen there. Do not place Egg Stoppers on food contact surfaces or in storage areas for dishes, utensils, or food. 3. Replace all Egg Stoppers every 3 moths for continued effectiveness. Storage: Store in a cool area away from children. Disposal: Wrap and put in trash collection. Precautionary statement: Hazard to humans - Caution: Contact with material inside the Egg Stopper may cause eye irritation.



Precautionary statements: Hazards to humans and domestic animals. Caution: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention. If in eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Call a physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.


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